Requirement for Jamshedpur.

Requirement for Jamshedpur Location for the following positions. The candidates would be on the payroll of the Vendor.
Sl. No. Name of Position Experience Salary
(Per Month) Deduction
(ESI & PF) Accommodation For Outstation Candidates Education
1 Supervisor (04) More than 5 Years 30000/- Yes Yes Graduate
2 Mate (04) 02 to 05 Years 28000/- Yes Yes Graduate
3 Skilled (30) More than 01 Year 24000/- Yes Yes Able to read in Hindi
4 Semi Skilled (30) More than 01 Year 22500/- Yes Yes
5 Unskilled (30) 0 – 5 Years 19000/- Yes Yes
6 Labour (30) 0 – 5 Years 18000/- Yes Yes
Placement Charges: NIL
Interested candidates may forward their resume at 9570100701



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