Requirement for Jamshedpur Location for the following positions. The candidates would be on the payroll of the Vendor.
Sl. No. Name of Position Experience Salary
(Per Month) Deduction
(ESI & PF) Accommodation For Outstation Candidates Education
1 Supervisor (04) More than 5 Years 30000/- Yes Yes Graduate
2 Mate (04) 02 to 05 Years 28000/- Yes Yes Graduate
3 Skilled (30) More than 01 Year 24000/- Yes Yes Able to read in Hindi
4 Semi Skilled (30) More than 01 Year 22500/- Yes Yes
5 Unskilled (30) 0 – 5 Years 19000/- Yes Yes
6 Labour (30) 0 – 5 Years 18000/- Yes Yes
Placement Charges: NIL
Interested candidates may forward their resume at 9570100701